the 2009
Iranian election protests? Yeah... no one else does either
because 19 days after it
started, Michael
Jackson, the media cycle shifted to 24 hour coverage of that
"monumentous" event, taking all the air out of the protest
coverage. Protests which would continue for another 7 months with
relatively little media coverage.
"Why change the policies when you can just change the narrative?"
That's what Thomas Cade, a mid-level CIA analyst asks in this
intellectual thriller where indifference and bureaucratic inertia
are as much the enemy as Iranian sleepers.
Unfairly tarred as a conspiracy theorist by his less imaginitive
co-workers, his co-workers have all flipped
the bozo bit,
leaving Thomas alone and racing against the clock to gather the
proof needs to convince his superiors to take action. The real
world is as much about inter-office politics as international
threats and the fate of the Iranian people hangs in the balance.